1:1 Mentorship

This is an 8-week mentorship that is designed to be a transformational lab. This program is meant for anyone who is going through a transformation and is looking for guidance on a Soul level. It also speaks to people who are on a healing journey and are looking for a private healing container.

This mentorship will guide you towards a better understanding of your body and your Soul. You will increase your awareness and receive tools to regulate your own nervous system more.

When you are going through a transformation, oftentimes something bigger wants to happen at the level of the Soul. This process is almost like a seed that is waiting to burst open. There can even be a moment of crisis, as the way things were don’t work anymore and the new isn’t really there yet either. During a transformation there can very well be periods that seem to be some kind of ‘void’ or ‘liminal space.’ We may not see it at first, but the obstacles and pain we encounter during this process have value and can serve as catalysts at the level of the Soul. Every story caries its own cure and we will explore what the medicine is for you. So together we’ll discover what the potential is of this moment and who you are invited to become.

It can be very valuable to have someone by your side who is on this path as well and who has moved through the sometimes difficult seasons of change. It is my intention to provide a safe space so your unfolding can be experienced with a bit more ease.

what we will explore

Inner bonding

You are your own healer. If we want to heal, we need to reconnect to those parts of ourselves that have been hurt, repressed and denied to be in our experience. I call this ‘inner bonding.’

Creative expression

Be prepared to write, draw and move your body during our time together. I truly believe that we can transmute energy by expressing what we feel, so we’ll tap into different modalities that can help you achieve just that!

Nervous system healing

An important component of this program is Polyvagal theory. We’ll bring more awareness to your nervous system and so you’ll understand what role it plays when it comes to healing. You’ll learn how to support your nervous system, what your survival mechanisms are and how to heal on this level.

Building capacity to be with our emotions

Something we will explore in depth as well is building capacity to be with difficult emotions like fear, shame or grief. Especially during times of change, there is often a certain ‘purge’ that happens, when the body instinctively knows that certain energies need to be let go of in order to welcome something new. This process can be extremely uncomfortable so it is vital that we learn how to ‘be’ with our emotions.

Soul reconnection

I believe that ultimately, for real healing we can’t deny the spiritual dimension in ourselves. When we’ve done the work on different aspects of our ego and have made space in our bodies, we become attuned with our Soul and more in alignment with this aspect.

There is a knowing that is present at the level of the heart- intuition and feeling. When this knowing becomes clear, we will be shown how to get there, step by step.


meta: after morph: form

a change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one

  • Transformation

    As a culture, we aren’t really in touch with the natural rhythms and cycles inside ourselves. During this program, you’ll gain awareness about what cycle you are currently going through and what its meaning is.

  • The body

    The body has its own memories and mechanisms, and as long as we don’t bring attention to them it’s impossible to change. I use a combination of Polyvagal theory, nervous system work, Yin yoga and gentle breathwork to address the deeper layers of tension that are held in the body.

  • Dialogue

    We all consist of many different parts. Through dialogue, we’ll bring awareness to these aspects of ourselves. Oftentimes parts are repressed in our subconscious, so a lot of safety and compassion is needed in order for them to show themselves. Once these parts are seen, held in loving Presence and their message is heard, healing can begin.

  • The Soul

    During our journey together, you will start to understand what your Soul wishes to learn and understand in this lifetime. We will make space for this aspect of you, so that this part of you can start to shine through more.

A mentorship with me is for you if:

  • You are going through a transition and you are looking for somatic guidance;

  • You have a little bit of experience with meditation and some awareness of your body through yoga or other somatic practices;

  • You experience something that is sometimes referred to as ‘Soul loss’; a feeling that a part of you is missing or not fully expressed;

  • You notice you hold tension or pain in your body but you don’t really know why it’s there or what its message is;

  • You are willing and able to spend some time to reflect on things we’ve discussed during our time together and do a bit of homework.

What’s included:

  • 8 private sessions of 1 hour each that are held on Zoom or at my practice in Amsterdam;

  • One of those 8 sessions is a class that I will design especially for you with a combination of Yin yoga, nervous system exercises, and gentle breathwork. I will record this session so you can repeat it as many times as you like. Also, I will create a Spotify playlist especially for you that you can listen to during this class!

  • I will be available throughout this program for assistance, questions and anything else you may need with regards to your process.